So let's start with my last (and first) writing it's about How to study and improve your skill. And I write here because I think is important to us. Emjoy it~
★ flying to the moon ★
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
... I'm back ...
So let's start with my last (and first) writing it's about How to study and improve your skill. And I write here because I think is important to us. Emjoy it~
Monday, April 4, 2011
... MAGDALENA!!! ...
how are you today? I'm as always, tired but I want to say that I spent an awesome week & week-end with my friends!
We had free time or as everyone who lives in Castellón knows, we were on holidays! It was Magdalena. Magdalena it is a kind of celebration which is realized to decorate the beginning of a new city, remembering how our ancestors went down of the mountain and they had established into the esplanade.
what the... excuse me, I couldn't explain it better and I got off the subject. I am not in my best moment. So, I will explain what I did this last week.
On Monday I got up with Andre. It supposed to be a homework evening but we started to talk about feelings, videos and... At 19:45 I had to go to our local because we agreed to see us and search about Valencian local's shop. (We have a friend's marriage in September). At 10 pm we went back home.
On Tuesday... I don't remember, I just had fond memories searching more and more locals in the net.
On wednesday, I went with Fatima, Aglaya, Cynthia and Sandrita to Valencia. we were pacing up and down the city and all the shops we were visiting were expensive (dresses valued between 1,500 and 2,000€) and after that, Fatima and I met up with Sasa and Lary (we were strolling around 2 hours). When I arrived home (Felipe's house) I couldn't feel my feet...!
On Thursday we went to Aqua's shopping centre, we bought some new clothes and we were to the University to had lunch. After that, Lary showed us Bellas Artes and we stopped into La casa del estudiante/alumno amazing! Is like a big house but into the university and just for students (they have a room with a plasma TV, pool and table football and sofas where you can make a nap). Then, we met another time with Sasa and we continue with our tour visit in Valencia. At 22.30 we went with Jose & Rubén (Andre's friends) to have a pint of beers (well they were drinking it) and talk about the world and other kind of subjects.
ah! There wasn't water in Felipe's flat during our visit (just this night)
On Friday, I went back to Benicasim with train and I went to work. At 22.20 Cynthia, Jorge, Aglaya, Patricia, Borrás, Cristian, Sandrita, Miguel and Vanesa (Madam) went to El Arrebato's concerto.
On Saturday I went to work and at 21 pm I went to the fair with Andre and her friends (It was amazing!), we went to had dinner and we spent the night meeting with other friends and talking. (I really like this group, they are so lovely with me!). Isn't strange life! (the sentence is like that, right? May be I'm the only one who can understand what I said).
On Monday, I went to work once again and when I finished, I spent all the evening and night sleeping :3
Finally, I will put some of the pictures I took during this week and I will go to sleep!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
... Margay Tiger Cat ...

Sunday, March 20, 2011
... Fallas ! ! ...
How are you today? Hope you're fine!
Before starting, I'm going to dedicate one minute of silence to the victims of Japan. [...]
This week was extremly odd. I sang the praises of my body. I really couldn't understand it, I'm not saying you that my body is a shit or something like that but, with regard to my body, I think I have a normal one which would be better if I were fatter than now.

Continue with my week, we arrive to week-end (called Thursday). I went with my friends (or boyfriend's friends too) Alexandra, Debora, Capde, Jeefreey, Pepelu, Quique, Tomás, Miqueas & Felipe to Valencia because it was Fallas' holidays and Felipe & Capde suggested us to go there. We spent a wonderful evening and night! I visited Phillipon's granny *how cutie could be this person* and after that, we were playing until dinner time. We ate "Arroz A La Cubana" (its a dish with boiled rice, eggs, tomato's sauce and a few vegetables).
Saturday, March 12, 2011
... just saying you ...
Here I am again telling you my week. It was nothing special but, I have to right here, so, be kind with me.
It started like a normal one but on Tuesday and Wednesday, I have free days becuase our English's teacher got ill (poor girl... take care!), my Documentation's teacher had another job and my Linguistic's teacher decided to change our class at 16.30 hours. So I had a sohrt holidays during those days! I made nothing (as always...) just tidy up all the house (as if it were Saturday) with my mom because she took a week off and I helped her. And I don't know whatelse I did.
However, i'll study all Tuesday and Thursday afer the university with my collegues Fatima and Andrea. It is because we want to get on with our next exams and we don't want to run out of time. So, if I hadn't have time to relax, form now on .... I don't know when... *what a pity...*
What else? I'm bored because there aren't people in the camping and we clean the hall during the morning so, Eva told me to do what I want but I can't draw here (I feel like drawing something special for me and it will attract attencion for our few visitors). In conclusion, I am going to read my french book.
someone knows where can I book an audiobook? I went to all bookshops I knew and I can not find none...
I leve you with my piggy Soun (I like his nose! is like a pig) how lovely could be a simple doll !
See you soon!
Monday, February 28, 2011
... a hard weekend ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
... 23th of February ...
The coup d'état of 1981 was closely related to the events of the Spanish transition to democracy. Four elements created a permanent tension that the governing Democratic Center Union(UCD), a coalition of conservative parties, could no longer contain:
- problems arising from the economic crisis (almost 20% unemployment coupled with capital flight and 16% inflation [1])
- difficulties in creating devolved governments for the Spanish regions,
- increased violence by the Basque separatist group ETA,
- reluctance and/or opposition by a significant part of the Spanish Armed Forces to accept the newly-born democratic system, after 37 years of Franco's military government, fueled (in their opinion) by the inability of the democracy to face and handle the aforementioned problems properly.
During the shooting of several machine gun rounds, whilst almost all deputies dropped terrified on the floor, three kept standing defiantly: acting Minister of Defense Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado, who stood up and ordered Tejero to desist; acting Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez, who remained sitting down instead of crouching on the floor; and Communist leader Santiago Carrillo, who, sitting down, calmly lit a cigarette and did not seem to be disturbed by the events.
General Gutiérrez Mellado, acting Minister of Defense, and Adolfo Suárez ordered the insurgents to disarm. The Guardia Civil agents assaulted them, following the attack, by firing numerous rounds from a submachine gun into the ceiling. By taking the parliament and dragooning the executive and legislative powers, they sought to create a power vacuum in which to establish a new political power.
Moreover, four of the deputies were separated from the rest: the still president of the government, Suárez; the opposition leader, Felipe González Márquez; the second on the rolls of the PSOE, Alfonso Guerra González; and Carrillo.
Shortly afterward, the Captain General of the Third Military Region, Jaime Milans del Bosch, rose up in Valencia, put tanks on the streets, declared a state of emergency and tried to convince other senior military figures to support the coup. At nine o'clock that night, a communication from the Interior Ministry announced the formation of a provisional government with the undersecretaries of different ministries, under the instructions of the King, to ensure governance of the state and a tight contact with the Assembly of Military Chiefs of Staff (Junta de Jefes del Estado Mayor). Meanwhile, another insurgent general, Torres Rojas, failed in his intent to supplant General Juste in the Brunete division of the military, giving up the intention to occupy strategic points in the capital, among them the seat of radio and television operations, and the proliferation of communiques about the success of the coup.
The refusal of the King to promote the coup led to it being called off during the night. The monarch assured himself after discussions, personal and with colleagues, of the fidelity of military leaders. He also noted the attitude of the President of the autonomous government of Catalonia, Jordi Pujol, who just before 10 p.m. that evening made a short speech via national broadcasting stations, to all of Spain and the exterior, calling for peace. Until 1:00 in the morning, negotiations took place around the Congress, with the participation of the acting government as well as General Alfonso Armada, who would later be relieved of duty over suspicion that he participated in the coup.
At 1:14 on 24 February, the king interceded on television, in uniform as the Captain General of the Armed Forces (Capitán General de los Ejércitos), the highest Spanish military rank, to position himself against the insurgents, defend the Spanish Constitution and undermine the authority of Milans del Bosch. He declared, "The crown, symbol of the permanence and unity of the nation, cannot tolerate, in any form, actions or attitudes attempting to interrupt the democratic process." At that moment, the coup was taken to be a failure. At midnight, Alfonso Armada presented himself in Congress with a dual objective: to convince Lieutenant Colonel Tejero to relinquish his posture and assume himself the role of head of government under the order of the king, in a clearly unconstitutional manner. But Armada was not the awaited "competent, military authority" and Tejero ignored him. For his part, Milans del Bosch, isolated, cancelled his plans at 5:00 that morning and was arrested, while Tejero resisted until midday of the 24th. The deputies were freed that morning.
Deputy Javier Solana has described how when he saw Tejero reading a special edition of the El País newspaper brought in by General Sáenz de Santamaría, which strongly condemned the hostage-taking, he knew that the coup had failed. Tejero was arrested outside the Congress building, and both he and Milans del Bosch were sentenced to thirty years in prison. Thirty people were eventually convicted for the attempted coup, out of an initial 300 who were involved.
After the coup, some suspects remained, especially according to the roles played by each one of the instigators and the intentions and resources of Armada. Without a doubt, the most immediate consequence was that the monarchy emerged powerfully reinforced by political resources and the public.
Later, in the judgement which followed before the Supreme Court of Military Justice, known as the Campamento trial (juicio de Campamento), Miláns del Bosch, Alfonso Armada and Antonio Tejero Molina were condemned as principally responsible for the coup d'état.
The civilian plot behind the coup was never investigated rigorously. Juan García Carrés, ex-leader of the Sindicato Vertical (the only legal trade union organisation in Francoist Spain), was the only civilian to be convicted.
Local nationalists have asserted that the LOAPA law limiting the devolution to the autonomous communities was passed to placate the military.
To date, 23-F has been the last coup attempt in the history of Western Europe.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
... 16th of February ...
Good morning people!