I'm going to start explaing my " special love story".
It was being when I bought a little keyboard. It name is Blue- tin. I put this name because it is blue and the sound of the pronuntation "tin" with "blue" was funny to me. I think it was a love at first sight; I ike it, it likes me and all seemed to be perfect. But one day, Bue-tin started to fail with the "L". I thought it was making that for attracting my attention and I started again going out with Blue-tin, ate with it, had a pic-nic with it, that is, spent time with my little lover.
But all was vain, it didn't change it mind. So I thought it was ill and I went it to a computing shop. They told me that all was useless and I should change my keyboard but I refused to do that horrible thing. It was my lover I couldn't throw it out whenever I want; then I started to take care carefully of it again. It looked like it becomes to be fine but, no.
The month spent and any progress had done. Nowadays, my keyboard is still ill but I'm continue with it when I can.
Yours forever more,
your Vanelu.
It's the best love story I've ever heard T_T
I just.. can't stop crying... how could you and your keyboard get sepparate ways??
I saw you when I was crying I could'nt understand why you feel in that mood if I continue with Bue-tin (if I can say that)
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