-Why are you scared darling? - asked the mother worried -you don't have to be scare because of the monsters - she came up to her for whispered the real secret of the story -they don't do anything to humans who believe in themselves. Well -she stoped - they never existed. It's only your imagination. - she made a little and sincere smile wanting to communicate confidence to her daugther.

- No mom, I saw her last night. - interrupted suddenly - Her name is Sammy and she lives
under my bed. -the mother slid under the piece of
furniture trying to seing anything - Be careful, she's so cute but at first sight she seems to be a horrible... - she made a break - ghost! -She burst out laughing
The mother was scared, she was thinking that her daugther becomes to be mad and mixted her imagination with the real thing.
- Mom, let's have a look ! - Shouted - Call her! call her! she will appear if you call her! - the heart of the mother became to beat rapidly and her arms were shaking quickly too.
-Samy... - whispered.
She couldn't move when she saw a little thing going where she was.
-Aaaah!! - shouted. She burst of laughing when saw that Samy were no ones as her doggie Misa.
- Misa, Samy, guess who! - exclaimed.
- Happy April's fool day mom ~ <3
Fast upload. My imagination grew up when I was doing my last homework. Wish you had understood what I want to transmit you with the text.
loving you !
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