After the removal of her left breast because of cancer in 1970, Mrs Joan Dawson, 54, of New York City, spent the next three years battling depression and sense of loss. Then she decided to do something about it. Most women in the same situation turn to a psychiatrist. Mrs Dawson (not her real name) went to her doctor and asked him to rebuild her missing breast. “I didn’t want to be made into a sensational beauty” she explained. “I just wanted to be restored.” Her surgeon was able to do that. In two separate operations, he implanted a silicone-filled sac under the skin where the breast had been removed, the she reduced the size of the other breast to make it more nearly resemble the new one. The result is not a duplication of Mrs Dawson’s pre-1970 figure, but she is delighted nevertheless. Says she: “I can finally look at myself in the mirror without wincing.”
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