I have a wonderful news! I received my driving license, I mean, I had the provisional and this morning the post office sent me a letter with the true one.
But it isn't the best news! Today is a birthday of one of my best friends, since we were children, I met her. Because of that, I would like to dedicate this pv to congratulate her and wish her a wonderful new year. Enjoy it:
Ps. I tried to put it with english sub but there isn't, sorry.
May be you're thinking what I did last week so I'm going to try to explain you about my last week. I went with some friends to Valencia because we had a birthday, to be precise, Capde's birthday. So we spent all weekend there playing, talking, eating and all the other things you do in the daily day. Salón del manga de

We spent a nice evening there and when we were fed up with the people and the place, we went home. The rest of the days were normal. ah! I forgot to tell you that we made a funny gif! *trying to upload the pic*
My apologizes to Juan... but I did what he told us.
It 's a gif but blogger doesn't allow me to view the whole gif.
And well, from Tuesday to Friday I was trying to catch up with my studies but it was useless.
The last thing I would like to remark is that I have to go dinner and after that, if I'm in a mood, I will read Notes From a Big Country by Bill Bryson *She's getting crazy because of the book*.
I'll try to write at least, once again this week.
See you later guys and have a nice week!
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