Monday, February 28, 2011

... a hard weekend ...

Good evening!

It's time to write here once again! This time, I'm telling you about my bussy and exhausting
weekend which even includes the Friday.

Last Friday was "El Día De Las Paellas" in Castellón, specifically, in our university. In this holiday, if we can tell it like that, we meet with our partners and we supposedly, eat all of us together. But as everybody knows, there are several groups into the class and we are not just one group of people, it's right we are all friends but, it is not the same.

So, I arranged with all my friends (who are my gang into and inside of the college) to met ourselves in a concret time in front of the principal's door. We spent a nice time together an
d we made some pictures which now a day, one of these, is my profile picture in Facebook. After that, we went home. I had dinner and I went to sleep because I got tired spending all the day out of home.

I was grateful to spent my last free weekend with most of my friends. I missed someone but... Thank you everyone.

Ah! Have I mentioned you that I have a little car accident? (It wasn't my fault and it is one of the reasons that get me angry) The old man injured my car when I was turning in a roundabout. I just say that I made a fool of myself but it will be the last time.

On Saturday, I went to work until 2p.m (weee! chupiem!! hahaha it's a theatre "joke") after that, I had dinner with my grand-parents and I went back to home. At 5 pm I picked up Aglaya and Cynthia and we went to the bowling alley where were my bf's friends. We were playing until we were broke and we returned to Benicasim but to our sweet club.

*In Spanish colla o peña exist but in English the word which is like that is club. - Its a place where my friends and me meet, like a house but sharing with them. *

At 10 p.m I came down to the church because I arranged to
meet with Felipe's and his/my friends to celebrate Juanjo's birthday.

On Sunday, I went to a day trip with my boyfriend's family and friends. We caught the bus and we went to a little village of Tarragona which name I can't remember. The main important point is that I tried a typical dish of this area which is known as Calçotada. It is a kind of way to eat a Calçot. It is a variety of green onion known as Blanca gran tardana in Catalan.

Uff.. I'm tired, next day I will continue with this week because it is just Monday but there are several interesting things which happened during today. So, see you if could be tomorrow if not, see you soon. Enjoy the picture ~ It's from El Día De Las Paellas. Where is Andre?!

ah!!! the last thing i will put is just a simple date for you but not for me: 28/11.

loving you ~ !

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

... 23th of February ...

I'm not feeling good... once again I don't like this mood. Furthermore it is not a good day. I got "sick" when I discovered something interesting for me. But I don't want to repeat myself expressing how I am so, I will explain because today, is an important day for La Comunidad Valenciana. To have a clever idea, i will put what I read, see you soon and enjoy your information:

23-F as we called, was an attempted coup d'état in Spain that began on 23 February 1981 and ended on the following day. It is also known as El Tejerazo from the name of its most visible figure, Antonio Tejero, who led the failed coup's most notable event: the bursting into the Spanish Congress of Deputies by a group of 200 armed officers of the Guardia Civil during the process of electingLeopoldo Calvo Sotelo to be the country's new Prime Minister. King Juan Carlos I gave a nationally televised address denouncing the coup and urging the maintenance of law and the continuance of the democratically elected government. The coup soon collapsed. After holding the Parliament and cabinet hostage for 18 hours the hostage-takers surrendered the next morning without having harmed anyone.

The coup d'état of 1981 was closely related to the events of the Spanish transition to democracy. Four elements created a permanent tension that the governing Democratic Center Union(UCD), a coalition of conservative parties, could no longer contain:

  • problems arising from the economic crisis (almost 20% unemployment coupled with capital flight and 16% inflation [1])
  • difficulties in creating devolved governments for the Spanish regions,
  • increased violence by the Basque separatist group ETA,
  • reluctance and/or opposition by a significant part of the Spanish Armed Forces to accept the newly-born democratic system, after 37 years of Franco's military government, fueled (in their opinion) by the inability of the democracy to face and handle the aforementioned problems properly.

Against this extraordinary backdrop, Calvo Sotelo introduced his government on 18 February, but in elections on the 20th he failed to obtain the necessary majority for confirmation as Prime Minister, so a new vote was scheduled for the 23rd. This was the day that the plotters had chosen for their coup attempt. It would be the result of a strong effort by Tejero and General Jaime Milans del Bosch, on the one hand, and a more subdued one by General Alfonso Armada, a confidant of the King, on the other.

The coup:
At 18:21, the different coup plots that had been fomenting since the beginning of the transition to democracy met in a coordinated action. At 18:30, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Antonio Tejero, 200 Guardia Civil agents, armed with submachine guns, interrupted the Congress of Deputies of the Spanish parliament. A cameraman recorded almost half an hour of the event, providing the world with an audiovisual record of the attempt. From the rostrum, gun in hand, Tejero ordered everyone to be silent and wait for a competent military authority, who never came.

During the shooting of several machine gun rounds, whilst almost all deputies dropped terrified on the floor, three kept standing defiantly: acting Minister of Defense Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado, who stood up and ordered Tejero to desist; acting Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez, who remained sitting down instead of crouching on the floor; and Communist leader Santiago Carrillo, who, sitting down, calmly lit a cigarette and did not seem to be disturbed by the events.

General Gutiérrez Mellado, acting Minister of Defense, and Adolfo Suárez ordered the insurgents to disarm. The Guardia Civil agents assaulted them, following the attack, by firing numerous rounds from a submachine gun into the ceiling. By taking the parliament and dragooning the executive and legislative powers, they sought to create a power vacuum in which to establish a new political power.

Moreover, four of the deputies were separated from the rest: the still president of the government, Suárez; the opposition leader, Felipe González Márquez; the second on the rolls of the PSOE, Alfonso Guerra González; and Carrillo.

Shortly afterward, the Captain General of the Third Military Region, Jaime Milans del Bosch, rose up in Valencia, put tanks on the streets, declared a state of emergency and tried to convince other senior military figures to support the coup. At nine o'clock that night, a communication from the Interior Ministry announced the formation of a provisional government with the undersecretaries of different ministries, under the instructions of the King, to ensure governance of the state and a tight contact with the Assembly of Military Chiefs of Staff (Junta de Jefes del Estado Mayor). Meanwhile, another insurgent general, Torres Rojas, failed in his intent to supplant General Juste in the Brunete division of the military, giving up the intention to occupy strategic points in the capital, among them the seat of radio and television operations, and the proliferation of communiques about the success of the coup.

The refusal of the King to promote the coup led to it being called off during the night. The monarch assured himself after discussions, personal and with colleagues, of the fidelity of military leaders. He also noted the attitude of the President of the autonomous government of Catalonia, Jordi Pujol, who just before 10 p.m. that evening made a short speech via national broadcasting stations, to all of Spain and the exterior, calling for peace. Until 1:00 in the morning, negotiations took place around the Congress, with the participation of the acting government as well as General Alfonso Armada, who would later be relieved of duty over suspicion that he participated in the coup.

At 1:14 on 24 February, the king interceded on television, in uniform as the Captain General of the Armed Forces (Capitán General de los Ejércitos), the highest Spanish military rank, to position himself against the insurgents, defend the Spanish Constitution and undermine the authority of Milans del Bosch. He declared, "The crown, symbol of the permanence and unity of the nation, cannot tolerate, in any form, actions or attitudes attempting to interrupt the democratic process." At that moment, the coup was taken to be a failure. At midnight, Alfonso Armada presented himself in Congress with a dual objective: to convince Lieutenant Colonel Tejero to relinquish his posture and assume himself the role of head of government under the order of the king, in a clearly unconstitutional manner. But Armada was not the awaited "competent, military authority" and Tejero ignored him. For his part, Milans del Bosch, isolated, cancelled his plans at 5:00 that morning and was arrested, while Tejero resisted until midday of the 24th. The deputies were freed that morning.

Deputy Javier Solana has described how when he saw Tejero reading a special edition of the El País newspaper brought in by General Sáenz de Santamaría, which strongly condemned the hostage-taking, he knew that the coup had failed. Tejero was arrested outside the Congress building, and both he and Milans del Bosch were sentenced to thirty years in prison. Thirty people were eventually convicted for the attempted coup, out of an initial 300 who were involved.


After the coup, some suspects remained, especially according to the roles played by each one of the instigators and the intentions and resources of Armada. Without a doubt, the most immediate consequence was that the monarchy emerged powerfully reinforced by political resources and the public.

Later, in the judgement which followed before the Supreme Court of Military Justice, known as the Campamento trial (juicio de Campamento), Miláns del Bosch, Alfonso Armada and Antonio Tejero Molina were condemned as principally responsible for the coup d'état.

The civilian plot behind the coup was never investigated rigorously. Juan García Carrés, ex-leader of the Sindicato Vertical (the only legal trade union organisation in Francoist Spain), was the only civilian to be convicted.

Local nationalists have asserted that the LOAPA law limiting the devolution to the autonomous communities was passed to placate the military.

To date, 23-F has been the last coup attempt in the history of Western Europe.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

... 16th of February ...

Good morning people!

Well it would be better to say "good evening" but I want to think that the sun is still shining, getting on top of me.
I don't know what I can write but I am sure of one thing: I have to write because I didn't express my feelings for a week and it is long time.

As I told you in my Spanish blog, during these two weeks (or one in the case of this blog) nothing has happened. A little summary would be that...

I have to improve my capacity of memory and hold better the important points.

This is the most important thing. What else?...

I have to watch films! I have al least 20 films to watch and of course one serie with 4 season (if it didn't increase). These days if I have time I will keep reading Queen Of The Dammed and watching my personal marathon of films jajaja.

So, see you next time with some amazing news for you!

Monday, February 7, 2011

... what a wonderful updating! ...

Morning !

I got angry but I don't want to be in that mood. Yesterday Aglaya told me that she was in the same mood as I am today. What a ironic thing, right?

I think we have a special connection between us and it is not a joke. It isn't the first time we have that kind of feeling. But, it is not because of the same thing. She got angry because of one of her classmate and I got angry because of the hypocrisy and my lazy mood.

I promise you I will improve my studies habit and my grades but tomorrow, because today is the last evening I have to spend with my boyfriend.

I will just say that I'm hurt because I argued several times with my boyfriend during this year to defend what I was doing and as I could see, it was in vain. It annoys me as no one could imagine. *she understand herself*

I don't want to think all this time as a waste of time but there is a bad behaviour in the air I don't like and I didn't except that for them but... who would have thought it! You have really sunk low this time. And I will tell you something interesting (because I know you will read it) I am not the first person who thought it.

Excuse me but is what I feel in this moment. May be, I will go to give my things (because I'm not with you, right? or this is what you made me see last day), we can do sums (after that, there won't be problem with money), I can change my mail and I can turn my websites into private (you don't want to know anything about me, right?). But is just a thought I have in an angry mood.

I'll finish saying that really, I can not understand you. I won't say you no more that can be said against or misunderstood when it is not. And I will think with the heart if what I said in the last paragraph, I will do it or not. If I do it, I will tell you, don't get worried about it ^ ^

I've just remembered when someone, a friend, told me "don't be childish"... let me laugh please, because I found many people like me!
As I said: during this period, we will know if someday were a relationship or not.I will fight to show it was, what about you?

Thank you for read me because I know you will read this,


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

... I'm back ...

Good morning!
I'm back once again as I told you!

I have just finished my last exams! But it seems like not. I have more and more homework another time ! Don't have free time becuase I have to study, doing homeworks, cleaning the house or theatre drive me crazy! I think that one day I will appear in my bed, dead because I haven't had free time.

And if is not all those things I told you it is because I have to go out with friends and my boyfriend. They will get angry if I don't see them.Buf... But if I have free time I don't know what can I do because I didn't use to have free time. As a result I lost my evening doing nothing and it gets on my nerves.

Anyway, My English's teacher, told us to write once again a blog with 4000 words last day and that is what I am going to do. Some people complained about doing this "exercise" again but I don't agree with them. As I told you, write here got me be fast writing, I don't know if I improved my English but, after much thought, I will think in positive.

So, Thank you for read me and have a nice day!

pic: My little Ddungs who found a treasure.